It was January, Friday 14th, 1983 when the worst disaster ever to occurred in the history of Bishop's Falls took place.The Exploits River overflowed its banks after a 10 inch rainfall.
The Falls Before Flood
This is the Sir Robert Bond bridge, the flood threatened this bridge for several hours, but amazingly the bridge stood against the mighty water. Which under the pressure of the water you could see the bridge twist and turn.
The Sir Robert Bond Bridge before flood
The Flood began at the old mill dan which was an electical generating station for the Abitibi-Price paper mill in Grand Falls and the nearby community of Botwood. The mill did for a time stand up against the raging waters, but it eventually succumbed to the rushing water.
Some damage caused by flood
There was around $3 million worth of damage done to the town and swept away was an estimated 20 acres of land. Amoung this land was a new municipal park which had open only the previous year. Also lost in the Flood was the Lions Club, a Senior Citizen Club and 2, 60-ton railroad cars, which were to be used as a museum and have never been found. Only 3 homes were lost in the flood, but a great many more suffered serious damage. Fortunely there were no lives lost.
Debris caused by Flood float down river
If you have any comments please fell free to e-mail me.